UPCI Global Missions Short-Term Missions



QUALIFICATIONS: UPCI Licensed Minister | Making overseas trips for ministry | Good standing in your district


Click this application link, completely fill out an application, and upload your photo.

After your application is submitted, come on back to this page for Step 2.


If you are currently pastoring, please forward the links below to the necessary people, asking for a few minutes of their time to provide the necessary input to complete your application. Your application cannot be approved without all three references.

District Superintendent

District Global Missions Director

Personal Reference


If you are not currently pastoring, please forward the links below to the necessary people, asking for a few minutes of their time to provide the necessary input to complete your application. Your application cannot be approved without all three references.

District Superintendent

Local Church Pastor

Personal Reference


Once we have all three references and your application has been approved, we will send you a welcome email with your Global Missions project/account. From there, you’re free to begin fundraising for your trips and request a personalized PIM Form.

Please review the FAQ section below for further details.

Short term missions has transformed my ministry and the ministry of my family. Together, we have witnessed over a 1000 people receive the Holy Ghost, blind eyes see, deaf ears hear, many children speak their first word “Hallelujah”. I have seen tumors disappear and arms and legs grow right in my hand. Our faith has leveled up.

Our family has made friends all over the world. These wonderful people from the nations we have ministered to are now our dearest friends. We now share in their triumphs and tragedies. We rejoice with them and weep with them.

Short term missions has positively impacted Greater Life Church. As we bring these reports, videos, and pictures home with us, the faith of our church has grown. We are focused more than ever on being a multicultural assembly. Our young people have been motivated to invest their lives into missions through AYC.

Our global pastors are hungry for friendship, fellowship, and revival. I am thankful to be able to be used by God in this great global awakening.

Eric Hall

Pastor, Greater Life Church-Greentown, IN

I used to think that I only had one of two options: serve in missions overseas or serve in North America. Then I heard about the Associated Ministers program through Global Missions, and everything changed.

While I may not be able to physically live overseas, this program still allows me to invest my time, education, and talents into missions.

Over the past three summers, I have been involved in three Next Steps trainings in Europe, Asia, and the Pacific. I am reminded that we don’t serve a “limited options” kind of God; instead, He opens doors in our lives that we never imagined we could go through.

The Associated Ministers program has been an incredible door in my life for pursuing missions while still living in North America; it has paved the way for me to be part of the global harvest and helped me bring that vision back to my local church.

If you are a North American minister with a heart for missions, then this program is for you!

Cori Lucas

Missionary to Japan



To request PIM forms, fill out the request form in the QUICK LINKS section. Once you hit Submit, we’ll process your request and email you a PDF that you can print and distribute.


There are many ministry opportunities on the field, however, we do not offer a placement service through Global Missions. Relationship building with regional directors, missionary personnel and overseas leaders is up to the Associated Minister to pursue through opportunity and prayerful consideration.


To request funds from your Global Missions account, simply fill out the Overseas Trip Budget/Requisition form which covers many of the expenses you may incur during your trip. It will be automatically forwarded to our requisition processor. If you have any questions about the status of your request, pleast contact us using the form in the Quick Hits section.

You may include your spouse in your request for funds.

All funds disbursed to you for your trips, will be tallied annually, indicated on a 1099-Misc and reported to the IRS. Be sure to keep your receipts to offset this perceived “income.”


One-time donations designated for “Foreign Travel” are not subject to the 10% UPCI standard admin fee.

PIM contributions are subject to the standard 10% admin fee as there are several administrative functions required for handling PIM enrollments and tracking.

To minimize any fees, please consider using Mobile Cause, our online and text-to-give solution.

GiveSmart Fundraise (TEXT TO GIVE)

Short-Term Missions has partnered with GiveSmart Fundraise (formerly known as Mobile Cause) to provide our community with a text-to-give and one-time or reoccurring online payments.

Although there is a 2.9% processing fee, the good news is, many of your supporters will opt to pay the fee for you at the time of payment.

GiveSmart Fundraise funds go directly into your GM project account and can be easily tracked through the portal.

To start the process of setting up your GiveSmart Fundraise account, after you’ve been approved for GM status, please email Lexie Leaman (

*BEWARE of 3rd party funding (PayPal, Go Fund Me, etc.). Unless funds are paid out to a registered charity, all funds will be reported as income to you to the IRS and contributors will not receive a tax deductible receipt. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Once approved you’ll receive a quarterly STM update via email to keep you connected with us, providing you with information about the various programs offered through Short-Term Missions. It’s in these updates you will also read trip reports from other Associated Ministers.


Upon the completion of each trip, please send a trip update to the Director of Short-Term Missions via email ( We will share your great news with Global Missions executives, and in our various web, social media and promotional outlets. We are always on the look out for great photos and interesting stories of deliverance and opportunity.




Be the first to get your trip update (story) published here!